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Financial investigation and asset recovery

March 20-24 2023, Academy of Justice in cooperation with UNDP and the Basel Institute, within the Continuous Training program is conducting a training on Financial Investigation and asset recovery.

Trainers engaged in this activity are: Mr. Kujtim Munishi Chief prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina, Mr. Bashkim Hyseni judge in the Appeals Court, Mr. Shkelzen Ibrahimi Prosecutor in the Appeals Prosecution, and Mr. Artan Hajdari trainer on the Financial Intelligence.

Purpose of this training is to acquaint the participants on organizing electronic evidence, elements of the offences (according to national legislation), indirect method on proving the illicit income and the mechanisms for asset confiscation.

Training methodology is of a combined nature with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions. This training has also developed asset recovery exercises.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges of the serious crimes department and prosecutors of the basic instance from all regions.

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