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Administration of evidence in minor offence proceeding – lead-ing principles

On May 24th 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted a training in the minor offence area with the fol-lowing topic “Administration of evidence in mi-nor offence proceeding – leading principles”.

Purpose of this training was to explain in details the evidence administration in minor offence proceedings, identify and assess evidence in these proceedings and their effect in bringing a just and legally grounded decision.

The training focused on the following: initiation of the minor offence proceeding, administration of evidence, legal leading principles during ad-ministration of evidence, understanding the facts, the evidence and arguments, obtaining evi-dence, the scene, interrogation of the defendant, interrogation of witnesses, questions related to crucial facts, confrontation, the purpose and planning of confrontation.

Training involved the participants into working groups. All the participants were involved in dis-cussions, presentation of the group’s work providing their opinions depending on elements of the practical case.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges from the minor offence departments of Basic Courts from different regions of Kosovo.

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