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Memorandum of Understanding reached between the Justice Academy and the Free Legal Aid Agency

June 12 2023, Kosovo Justice Academy’s Executive Director Mr. Enver Fejzullahu hosted in a meeting Deputy Director of the Free Legal Aid Agency Mrs. Flutra Berbati-Zena, and Mr. Qëndrim Gashi Officer at the FLAA.

Purpose of this meeting was to further promote the inter-institutional cooperation on matters of joint interest and realizing all this through signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between both institutions.

The meeting served to discuss on coordination of activities in meeting the activities as per the Law on the Free Legal Aid and the Law on the Academy of Justice, as well as according to requirements of the Rule of Law Strategy in increasing professional capacities for improvement of the free legal aid services.

This meeting concluded with Mr. Fejzullahu and Mrs. Zena signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions, as a basis through which the Free Legal Aid Officers will benefit from the KJA Training Programs, particularly from the joint programs with judges and prosecutors on the topics and legal issues that belong under their competence scope.

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