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Sentencing Policy and implementation of the guideline

June 21-22 2023, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the US Embassy – OPDAT, is conducting a training on the “Sanctioning policy guideline and implementation.

Trainers engaged in this activity are Mr. Agim Maliqi judge in the Kosovo Supreme Court, Mr. John Hanely Resident Legal Advisor in the US Embassy in Kosovo, and Ms. Benina Kusari, Senior Legal Expert, US Embassy in Prishtina.

During this training, the participants had the opportunity to extend their knowledge on the Sentencing hearing, importance of conducting this hearing, implementation of the sanctioning policy guideline, as well as mitigating and aggravating circumstances when setting the sanction.

Training methodology is combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions of study cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are prosecutors and judges of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo.

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