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Workshop with Appeal Court judges

On 17-18 May 2017, the Academy of Justice with the support of UNDP, conducted a workshop with Appeal Court Judges with the purpose of reviewing the Appeal Court case law, particularly, the civil, material and procedural matters, in cases when first instance courts fail to draw a proper legal decision.  

This workshop aimed to provide a contribution in changing the course of cases turned to retrial through a manual or a summary brought after a research for identification of problematic cases, done by a group of judges engaged in the respective research project.

For two days in a row, judges from these departments had to present most frequent individual cases brought before first instance courts, which due to the violations be it of procedural or material matter, were returned to retrial. Therefore, in this occasion were identified topics to be treated in a document which will serve the first instance judges as a reference for decision making.

This workshop was attended by the President of the Appeal Court and Judges from General Department – Civil Division, Department for Administrative Matters and Department for Commercial Matters. 

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