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Workshop “Cybercrime Cooperation with the Focus on Internet Proceeds of Crime”

From 19 to 25 June 2017, in Budva, Montenegro, judges and prosecutors from Kosovo participated in a training of trainer’s workshop for the Western Balkan countries on: " Cybercrime Cooperation with the Focus on Internet Proceeds of Crime” through website "organized by the Council of Europe Cybercrime Program Office, the unit located in Bucharest.

The purpose of this workshop was to build professional capacities for implementation of investigations and procedures to be followed in combating cybercrime.

The workshop focused on the providing knowledge on cybercrime and electronic evidence, financial investigation and the procedure to be followed, as well as police, prosecution and court actions, legal and technological procedures to be undertaken in these cases, and undertaking actions in urgent cases regarding domestic and international co-operation and the efficiency.

During the first days of the workshop, participants had the opportunity to gain more detailed knowledge regarding the development of cybercrime investigations, investigative actions of the prosecutor in identifying and detecting online crime suspects, information and communication technology used, enforcement of covert measures and procedures for sequestration of assets and property gained through commission of these offences and criminal offences committed through internet such as: child pornography and money laundering, as well as learning of practices, methods and most a-vanced skills of trainer’s qualities.

Part of the workshop has been dedicated to discussions on the provisions of the material law of each country that apply to criminal offenses of cybercrime and their harmonization with international acts, namely the Budapest Con-vention, Council of Europe Framework Decision and the EU Directives.

The rest of the training contained topics and discussions on contact points established in each country due to the facilitation of local and international cooperation, with particular em-phasis on urgent cases.

According to the guidelines, each participating country made a presentation as a cybercrime trainer before experts and participants, where trainer’s skills were assessed by the European Commission experts.

Participants from Kosovo provided proposals on specific needs for combating crimes in this field, including activities to be undertaken in the future in order to fill the legal gaps faced by them in practice. Furthermore, were mentioned the institutions that need local and international cooperation, cybercrime analysis and specialized training to be organized in capacity build-ing in combating cybercrime, information and communication technology, for implementation of the legal framework applicable to this type of crime, as well as legislative reforms in line with relevant legislation and harmonization with EU legislation.

This workshop was fruitful especially for the participants of the Western Balkan countries that are part of this project, namely representatives from Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, and Turkey, since they have received information on the most advanced techniques of a trainer from specialized experts in this field.

Also during the workshop were exchanged experiences, problems and challenges with participants of all countries, encountered in this area, as well were addressed issues with the purpose of enhancing future cooperation.

In the composition of the delegation from Kosovo were: Laura Pula, Chief State Prosecutor Office, Ikramije Bojaxhiu, Prosecutor Basic Prosecution, Serious Crimes Department in Prishtina, Skënder Çoçaj, Judge of Basic Court in Prizren, and Vesel Ismajli, Judge of Basic Court in Pristina, who through this training were trained to implement trainings organized by the Academy of Justice in the field of cybercrime.


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