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Reasoning of Court Decisions in Civil Law Area

On June 28th 2017, Academy of Justice con-ducted training on “Reasoning of court decisions in Civil Law Area”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the par-ticipant’s knowledge on writing techniques and methodology and reasoning of court decisions in civil law area.

This training elaborated on theoretical and prac-tical instructions in drafting court decisions, in order to have a highly professional court deci-sion and a detailed and well-argued reasoning.

Focus of the training was on the four-step meth-od of legal reasoning known as IRAC (which stands for: Issue, Rule, Application and Conclu-sion). Participants had the chance to acquaint on ways to implement the IRAC method while drafting court decisions, the structure of court decisions set by this method, as well as difficul-ties in applying the IRAC method for court deci-sions of the civil law area.

The training used combined methods of teach-ing, to include the theoretical and practical parts followed by practical examples, where the par-ticipants were active participating in discussions with the presenter after each topic.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance.

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