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Specialized Training Program Money Laundering and Financial Investigation - Session III

On October 10-11, 2023, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with IRZ, within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting the third session of Specialized Training Program on Money Laundering and Financial Investigation - Session III.

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mr. Burim Ademi Judge in the Appeals Court, Mr. Gerhard Karl Brinker Chief Prosecutor, Hamburg Prosecutor's Office, Head of the Asset Recovery and Anti-Money Laundering Section, and Mrs. Donika Mehmeti Judge at the Court of First Instance of Hamburg.

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of the participants regarding the national and international legal framework against money laundering. The training focuses on the Kosovar legal framework and current practice of money laundering in the field of anti-money laundering and will provide an overview of the German legal framework and best practices.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Prosecutors and judges of the first and second instance, including in particular special prosecutors and judges of the special department at both levels, professional associates and experts of SPRK as well as police investigators.

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