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Trafficking of cultural heritage assets: a profitable criminal activity

On November 07, 2023, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Embassy of France in Kosovo and the National Museum in the framework of the Continuous Training Program is conducting a Seminar on: "Trafficking of cultural heritage assets: a profitable criminal activity".

The introductory speeches in this seminar were presented by the Ambassador of France in Kosovo, Mr. Olivier Guerot, the Deputy Minister of Justice of Kosovo, Mr. Vigan Qorrolli, the Director of the National Museum of Kosovo, Mrs. Vjollca Aliu and the Director of the Academy of Law, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu.

The purpose of the seminars was the exchange of professional practices between professionals from France and Kosovo (Ministry of Culture, police officers, customs officers, judges and prosecutors, etc.

Trainers engaged in this seminar were: Pascal Brunet, director of the Relais Culture Europe platform, .Thomas LECLAIRE, police captain, head of the criminal intelligence group at the Central Office for the Fight against Trafficking of Cultural Heritage Assets (OCBC), Eric Serfass, deputy prosecutor at the Judicial Court of Paris, national jurisdiction of the fight against organized crime (JUNALCO); Agron Qalaj, prosecutor in the Office of the Chief Prosecutor of Kosovo.

The methodology of the seminar was of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, presenting also practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this seminar were: Judge, prosecutor, official from the Ministry of Culture, police officials, customs officials.


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