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Activities conducted in ITP – April 2017

April 2017, the Academy of Justice with the purpose of implementing the training program as planned for April, continued implementation of its activities within the Initial Training Pro-gram, which is attended by newly appointed state prosecutors.

In this regard, within the framework of the the-oretical training, two remaining session of the sub-modules “Indictment – reviewing proce-dure” were completed. These sub-modules treated subject such as: Indictment with the pro-posal for detention and challenges of state pros-ecutor in terms of forensic medical expertise when filing of indictment.

Covert technical measures of investigation and surveillance was another sub-module complet-ed during this period, out of which 6 training were conducted treating topics such as: legal conditions for authorization of covert measures and the right of the accused persons, surveil-lance of telecommunication and recording of phone calls, covert investigation and disclosure of financial data, use of site tracking cars, simu-lated purchases of items simulation of corrup-tion offence, postal delivery control and mail delivery of the control, as well as hidden photo or video recording and secret conversation monitoring.

The sub-module on Serous Crimes has been also developed during this period, through 1 training session treating topic such as: traffick-ing in human beings, money laundering and cybercrime. Whilst, the sub-module on Minutes, were conducted 3 training sessions focusing mainly on: minutes, writing and keep-ing of minutes, recording of trials with audio and video record, viewing of minutes and the file case.

In the framework of the practical training, new-ly appointed prosecutors continued their prac-tice in the respective prosecution offices, ac-cording to the program schedule and under the supervision of mentors, as well as have attend-ed training in the following institutions: Nation-al Audit Office, Forensic Institution and Koso-vo Tax Administration.

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