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Steering Committee Meeting on “Strengthening Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and Media in South East Europe – JU-FREX”

On 26 April 2017, in Durres, Albania, was held the Steering Committee Meeting on “Strengthening Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and Media in South East Europe – JUFREX”.

The purpose of the Steering Committee meet-ing was to discuss the current activities of the program implemented during the first year of the project, drafting of a work plan for next year at the local and regional level, discuss the challenges encountered by the project during the development and implementation of the project activities, challenges that may arise in the future as well as the exchange of ideas and new proposals.

During the meeting were presented the JU-FREX components focusing on freedom of ex-pression. First component main focus was on the training programs aiming at capacity devel-opment of judges, prosecutors and lawyers on freedom of expression, whereas, the two other components were related to the Regulatory Au-thorities and Media stakeholders.

The meeting was attended by representatives of European Union and Council of Europe, JU-FREX project staff from the regions, as well as representatives of all Justice Academies from the region.

This meeting, organized by the Council of Eu-rope, was also attended by the representative of the Kosovo Justice Academy.

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