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Practical training at Kosovo Police

On 28 June 2017, during the visits to nonjudicial institutions, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the Kosovo Police, conducted training with the newly appointed prosecutors at the respective institution.

This training aimed to advance the knowledge of the newly appointed prosecutors on the mandate, the role and practical work of the Kosovo Police.

Initially, was introduced the Kosovo Police Education System, training opportunities and training programs provided to police officers at various levels. During the visit were also elaborated the legal basis and the structure of the Kosovo Police, the role, competencies and investigative actions of the departments, such as: the Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime, Directorate for Trafficking in Human Beings, Directorate for support to Investigations, and Directorate for the investigation of trafficking of narcotics. Also, within the elaboration of the functions of the Kosovo Police, was also elaborated the component of Intelligence, and international legal cooperation.

Due to the fact that the work of prosecutors is closely related to the work of the Police, the newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to raise issues of interest for their practical work, current cooperation and adequate forms of future cooperation between the Police and the relevant Prosecution Offices.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed prosecutors, ITP generation VI.

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