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Criminal offences against official duty

On 13 September 2017, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, organized a training on: "Criminal offenses against official duty".

The purpose of the training was to increase the capacities of the participants in dealing with criminal offenses that violate the rule of law, economic development and the country's perspective, since prosecution phase up to the trial.

In its content, this training activity included topics such as: effective investigation of criminal offenses against official duty, overcoming the limits of competencies, respectively official authorizations, non-performing duties and giving bribe.

The training was conducted through presentation, interactive discussion and practical examples where participants exchanged experiences, opinions or dilemmas regarding the handling of these criminal offenses. This method proved to be very effective, as all participants were involved in a constructive and inclusive debate.

Beneficiaries of the training were judges of the basic instance from different courts of the region. 


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