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Kosovo Justice Academy - Managing Board Meeting

On October 19, 2023, the Justice Academy’s Managing Board conducted its following meeting, led by the Chairman of the Mr. Vaton Durguti, Head of the Special Department at the Appeals Court.

According to the agenda, initially the Board members approved the minutes of the previous meeting, and then continued with the elaboration of the stipulated points.  On this occasion, the Managing Board reviewed and approved the Handbook for Trainers, which is intended to serve as a tool for future and current trainers of the Academy, the staff and for other interested parties.

In this meeting, of the AJ Managing Board set the criteria for compensation of the trainers, approved the proposal for the public announcement for recruitment of the temporary trainers of the AJ, as well as the proposal for the public announcement for election of a new Program Council member. Meanwhile, the request of the newly appointed prosecutors (generation X) to reduce the number of tasks assigned by the trainers at the end of each training session was overruled.

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