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Practical training for newly appointed judges at the Center for Social Work

On 30 January 2018, the Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges, conducted a practical training at the Center for Social Work in Prishtina.

The purpose of training was to inform newly appointed judges with the role, function and responsibilities of the Center for Social Work. 

The training focused on the role of this Center in relation to its function, including provision of care and social welfare, protection, shelter and prevention of domestic violence, anamnesis or collection of data of persons to whom the aid is provided, as well as establishing contact with the child/parent if there is a court decision for the children to establish contact through CSW.   

During the visit was also elaborated the issue of child adoption, conditions to be fulfilled by adoptive parents, rights of the abandoned children when they reach the age of 18, to seek for their parents, as well as maintenance of information by CSW.

Also participants were informed in detail about the beneficial category treated by CSW and its services, difficulties and challenges faced in order to meet its responsibilities.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed judges of VI generation of ITP.  

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