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Gender equality in judicial proceeding in general and domestic violence cases

On 20 February 2018, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program conducted training on: “Gender equality in judicial proceeding in general and domestic violence cases”.

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of judges regarding handling gender equality in judicial procedure, particularly in domestic violence cases, treating as such comprehensively the theoretical and practical aspect of the training.

In the first part of the training was elaborated the national and international legislation on gender equality, domestic violence and other forms of its appearance with the focus on gender, protection order, conditions to issue a protection order, as well as measures for preventing the violence. Whereas, in the second part of the training, was handled the judicial procedure for decision making according to the request for protection order, drafting and reasoning of the decision according to the specifics of the cases itself, and respecting legal provisions, the execution of protection order, as well as consequences for violation of the protection order.

During the training was emphasized that the basic principle of judicial procedures in democratic societies, guaranteeing human rights, is the equality of parties in judicial procedure and basic principle of gender equality. In the Republic of Kosovo, the quality of parties in the procedure is guaranteed by the Constitution, international Convention and internal laws.

In this occasion was also mentioned that the main purpose of the Law on Protection against Domestic Violence is prevention of all its forms. Therefore, in order to fulfill this purpose,  the law has foreseen a set of measures for protection against domestic violence, such as: protection measure of psycho-social treatment, protection measures of prohibition to approach the victim of domestic violence, protection measure of prohibition to bother the persons exposed to violence, protection measure for moving from the residence, house or any other leaving space, protection measure to escort the victim, medical treatment from addiction to alcohol and psychotropic substances, protection measure for obtaining the item and property protection measures explained one by one while discussing them with participants.   

During the training was used a combined methodology of explaining theoretical and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were, judges of basic court, prosecutors of basic prosecution offices, professional associates and victim advocates of the Republic of Kosovo. 

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