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Training implemented in the Initial Training Program

The Academy of Justice aiming to fulfill the training program, continued to conduct its planned activities within the Initial Training Program, which is being attended by 49 newly appointed judges.

Within the theoretical training were conducted activities such as: sub-module: “Special proceeding according to CPCK conducted through one (1) training session in this period, sub-module: “Procedures according to legal remedies” two (2) training sessions, “Procedural expenses and property legal request” (1) training session, “Obtaining and communication of decision and submission of requests” one (1)  training session. Also, were conducted three (3) training session on the sub-module “Initial hearing, second hearing and the main trial” where among others were also treated: objection of evidences, the request for dropping the indictment and the second hearing, preparation and the flow of the main trail.  

Within the course trainings, during this period, five (5) training sessions were organized from the sub-modules "Civil Law", where the following topics were elaborated: Drafting and completing legal reports, sharing legal facts and modifying legal affairs - its constitution, deadline and protection, absolute and relative rights, representation with the prosecutor (authorization), unilateral and bilateral legal and non-legal acts and null-contracts. During this period, five (5) training sessions were conducted and were dealt: the principles of contested procedure, the competence, and regular composition of the court and the exclusion of the judge, parties to the contested procedure as well as submission of requests.

During February, newly appointed judges in the framework of training practice with non-judicial institutions conducted training sessions at the Independent Oversight Board for Civil Service and the Public Procurement Commission.

Whereas the component of practical training, during this period was conducted through the practice of the newly appointed judges in the respective court, according to the schedule defined by the program.

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