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Alternative and additional punishments

On 29 March 2018, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with GIZ organized training on: “Alternative and additional punishments”.

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of judges and prosecutors on the legal infrastructure in cases of imposing alternative and additional punishments, and the procedure for its imposition.

During this training were treated: the conditional punishment, half freedom, the order for social service work, waiving the right to choose, the order of compensation of loss or damage, prohibition of exercising any function in public administration or public service, and prohibition to exercise profession, action or duty.

Special attention was paid also to drafting of judgments for imposing alternative and additional punishments and the role of Social Service in re-socialization and re-integration of sentenced persons by alternative punishments. 

Also during the training were treated judicial practical cases and were exchanged experiences aiming to eliminate dilemmas encountered in practice, in cases when imposing the respective punishments.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors of basic instance and officials of Social Service.

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