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Judicial System in Kosovo

May 29 2018, upon the request of the Free Legal Aid Agency, Academy of Justice with the support of UNDP, carried out the third training for officials of this institution on “general introduction on the Kosovo Judicial System”.

Purpose of this training was to acquaint them with stages of historical development of the judicial reform in Kosovo, since 1999 until nowadays, including the applicable legislation and the actual structure of courts and prosecution, as well as their competencies.

Trainers in highlighted the structure of courts according to the Kosovo’s self-government Constitutional framework, competencies and functions after the Provisional Criminal Code entered into force, organization of the judicial system according to Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, and lately the actual Law on Courts. In this light, it was elaborated also on challenges of courts, as well as positive changes in work management and in serving justice.

During the training it was also discussed by participants about issues of interest for the Free Legal Aid Agency, and on other issues that relate to the subject.

Beneficiaries of this training were officials of the Free Legal Aid Agency from Prishtina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Gjakova, Mitrovica and Podujevo. Participants at this training were also members of NGOS like CRPK, CLARD and Active Women of Gjakova.

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