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Basic training for KJI trainers regarding distance learning and “ILIAS” Platform

Basic training for KJI trainers regarding distance learning and “ILIAS” Platform

On June 1 2012, KJI organized training on distance learning (E-Learning) for KJI trainers. 

ILIAS platform is created and developed in cooperation and support to the Twinning program (EU funded project - EU-LER/ Legal Education System Reform). 
The purpose of the training for KJI trainers was to gain basic knowledge ILIAS platform - distance learning and application of this training methodology in the programs of KJI.

The main objectives of these trainings were that participants after their completion will be able to:
• Apply the ILIAS platform in the trainings;
• Understand the role of the electronic system ILIAS in the process of conducting the training; 
• Understand how to access to ILIAS Platform;
• Learn how to form a group of participants in the ILIAS Platform;
• Organize training courses through ILIAS Platform;
• Make the proper application of communication and confidence rules during the training through the ILIAS Platform. 

Beneficiaries were KJI trainers from the criminal field.

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