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Educational measures and sanctioning

On June 26 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of UNICEF under its continuous training program conducted a training on “Educational measures and sanctioning”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of participants through discussions and elaboration of practical cases to increase professional capacities for imposing educational measures and sanctions.

This training treated the purpose of educational measures and benefits of their application, types of these measures, by elaborating in details each of the measure, additional supervision measures as well as educational institutional measures.

Furthermore, the training continued with discussion about legal terms and criteria that the court assesses in case of issuing one of the measures, setting their duration, as well as their role in avoiding stigmatization of juveniles. Beforehand, attention was given to the treatment of sanctions that can be imposed to a juvenile who committed the crime which is punishable with 5 or more years of imprisonment.

This training was interactive with discussions by participants on matters focus of this trainings, and practical and hypothetical cases were presented by the trainers.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance, from the Juvenile department from different regions of Kosovo.

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