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Practical training in the National Audit Office

On June 13 2018, academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges conducted a practical training in the National Audit Office.

Purpose of this training was for the newly appointed judges to have an overview about the mandate, role, organizational structure and responsibilities of the National Audit Office.

Initially, in this visit, Director of the National Audit Office, introduced a brief history of establishment and development, mandate and function of the National Audit Office, and the auditing Works that it performs, as well as the NAO cooperation with the legislative and justice bodies. Also he presented the challenges and actual difficulties in carrying out their legal mandate.

Also, they in details elaborated on independence of the National Auditing Office, its internal and external auditing functions, as well as the auditing of regularity and performance.

The training was delivered through theoretical presentations and interactive discussions, in which case the newly appointed judges had the opportunity to raise different questions that were focus of this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed judges of the ITP’s 6th generation.

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