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Workshop for developing training courses for the distance learning platform

On July 11 2018, Academy of Justice conducted the workshop with trainers on developing training courses for the distance learning platform / e-learning.

Purpose of this workshop was to enhance the trainer’s knowledge about the distance learning platform, the way of its functioning and development of training courses according to platform samples.

Initially in this workshop the distance learning platform was presented, in which case the beneficiaries were familiarized with training courses and the way of attending the platform courses. The platform user access accounts were created and they were acquainted with samples of adjusting materials that the distance learning platform requires.

The trainers, were beforehand required to prepare their training materials in word format, whereas during the workshop participants were divided into groups based on the module they reviewed, developed, adjusted and presented the chapters of the training material in compliance with the samples and structure that is required in the distance learning platform.

Beneficiaries in this workshop were judges and prosecutors – trainers at the Academy of Justice, and authors of the training courses.

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