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Extradition; Legal Assistance and enforcement of decisions

On November 16 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with GIZ is organizing a workshop on “Extradition, Legal Aid and enforcement of decisions”.

This workshop will focus on the following: information management/ proposals related to establishing and maintaining an electronic database of thematic information, and related to the place; networking/ cross-border cooperation with the focal pints of other countries; Cooperation through focal points of the Mutual Legal Assistance in Basic Prosecutions and the ILC Coordinator in the State Prosecution as a mediation authority; preliminary review of national requests by the focal points; Scope of the formal review/ potential decisions for case groups; Legal basis for reviewing incoming and outgoing requests (extradition and ILC).

Beneficiaries of this workshop are prosecutors who are assigned focal points for the mutual legal assistance in Basic Prosecution Offices, and ILC Coordinators of the State Prosecutors Office.

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