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Professional conduct inside and outside the office

November 13 2018, Academy of Justice within its trainings provided for the administrative staff of the judicial and prosecutorial system, has delivered a training on “Professional conduct inside and outside the office”, which under the module on “Integrity an Ethical Conduct”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of the administrative staff of the judiciary and in prosecution, related to principles and ethical behavior inside and outside the office, including the conduct after the working hours.

This training put emphasis on ways how the administrative staff of the judicial and prosecutorial system shall behave towards the public, during and after the working hours, how does this behavior impact on the increase or diminishing of the reputation, image and trust of the public on the judicial and prosecutorial system.

This training, through practical cases elaborated on different situations of the breach of principles and ethical norms, inside and outside the office, by providing the opportunity to participants to identify these violations and comment how they would act indeed.

Beneficiaries of this training were 19 beneficiaries, 7 of them were staff of the judicial system, and 12 from the prosecutorial system.

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