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Meeting with representatives of the AAB College Law Faculty

Prishtina, January 4 2019, Executive Director of the Kosovo Justice Academy Mr. Valon Kurtaj hosted in a meeting the Dean of the AAB College Law Faculty Mr. Veton Vula, and the Vice Dean Mr. Fatmir Qollakaj.

Director informed the guests about the work of the Justice Academy, its training programs for judges, prosecutors and other professionals, the exchange programs, as well as the internship program for students.

On the other hand, Mr. Vula focused mainly on the learning program of the AAB Law Faculty in preparing its students for the job market and have them ready for joining the working process after completion of the studies. This highlighted the need to involve the students in internship programs in institutions, and have them complete the practical part of professional development.

At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed on extending their cooperation with reaching and signing a Memorandum of Understanding setting all the institutional cooperation aspects that will contribute to professional growth of the beneficiaries of both institutions.

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