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Continuation of the UNDP support for the Academy of Justice

Prishtina 18 January 2019, as a result of good cooperation a meeting between representatives of the Academy of Justice and the UNDP was held.

At the beginning of this meeting, Mr. Valon Kurtaj- Executive Director of the Academy of Justice expressed the gratitude for the UNDP as a supporter of the Academy in completion of its mandate and accomplishment of the activities during the previous years and its readiness for continuing this support in 2019.

Some of the mutual cooperation topics that were discussed in this meeting are: organization of trainings for the Free Legal Aid Agency; organization of the trainings for capacity growth of the integrated prosecutors in the prosecutorial system; capacity increase of the judges and prosecutors related to the ECHR; publication of the manuals and materials for unification of the judicial practice; support for the capacity increase of the Academy’s staff; support in the area of translation and upgrading the distance learning platform.

Mr. Ardian Latifaj, the UNDP Project Manager for the “Support to strengthening the rule of Law in Kosovo” also emphasized that cooperation with the Academy of Justice is vital and the UNDP will support he Academy with the goal of capacity increase of the judicial and prosecutorial system and of other legal professionals in Kosovo.  

The meeting concluded with approval of the timeline for accomplishment of the activities that were discussed.

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