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Regional Seminar on the Rule of Law and Judicial Ethics

Podgorica 24-25 January 2019, under the auspices of TAIEX and the Centre for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution, the “Regional Seminar on the Rule of Law and Judicial Ethics” took place.

In this regional event, delegations of the countries like Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo made their presentations.  Kosovo Delegation was represented by Valon Kurtaj – Director of the Academy of Justice, Hilmi Bajrami – Judge of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, Mahir Tutuli – Judge in the Appeals Court, and Ardian Hajdari – Prosecutor in the Serious Crimes Department in Basic Prosecution of Peja.

First day of this seminar commenced with the speech of Mrs. Senka Dailović – President of the Steering Committee of the Seminar and Director of the Centre for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution, followed by Mrs. Doris Obereder – judge and member in the Judicial Ethics Council of the Judges Association in Austria, as well as Mr. Željko Pajalić – Judge of the Supreme Court of Croatia.  The Speakers addressed their speeches and presentation giving a particular emphasis to the independence of the judiciary and to the judicial ethics, exchanging important information on experiences in their countries, in comparison with the EU experiences on the independent of judiciary and professional ethics.

First day concluded with presentation of Mr. Maria Dimitrova, representative of the Bulgarian Government in the European Court of Human Rights, who presented experience of the member states in the Council of Europe, and the case law of the European Court on Human Rights, in relation with the judicial independence and professional ethics of judges and prosecutors.

On the second day, participants worked on the training on the judicial ethics and disciplinary liability with cases of the ethical violations.

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