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Gender equality in judicial proceedings in general, and in cases of domestic violence in particular

On February 19 2019, Academy of Justice within CTP conducted training on the topic of “Gender equality in judicial proceedings in general, and in cases of domestic violence in particular”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on domestic violence and forms of its occurrence and correct implementation of the applicable legislation on gender equality.

This training elaborated on international and national legislation on gender equality, domestic violence and forms of its occurrence on gender basis and protection order, conditions for issuing the protection order and measures to prevent violence, judicial procedure for deciding on the protection order request, drafting and reasoning of decisions according to specifics of the case, respecting legal provisions and enforcement, as well as consequences for not executing a protection order.

Particular attention was paid to matters in which the judges face difficulties while reviewing cases, and the standard operating procedures for protection from domestic violence in order to precisely apply legal provisions related to the procedure, and deadlines to decide about the protection order requests.

Beneficiaries of this training were basic court judges and professional associates of the courts.

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