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Basic principles of inheritance

On February 28 2019, Academy of Justice within the trainings for free professions, with the support of UNDP conducted training on “Basic Principles of Inheritance”.

Purpose of this training is correct implementation of the legal provisions of the Law on inheritance and best practices in provision of the free legal aid in inheritance cases by the officials of the free legal aid.

This training is elaborating the following: inheritance by law, inheritance by will, the indispensable part, circle of heirs that relate to the indispensable part, calculating the indispensable part and risking the indispensable part.

This training discussed cases from the practice of the free legal aid officials who are addressing the problematic and complex issues of this nature, particularly the heirs not included in the inheritance mass. Related to this, it was advised how parties can obtain their right though the lawsuit. 

Beneficiaries of this training were 28 officials of the Free Legal Aid Agency from all regions of Kosovo, as well as representatives of NGO’s like CRPK, CLARD, NORMA and Active Women of Gjakova. 

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