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Roundtable Discussion: Criminal Law - Initiation and duration of an investigation

On February 1, 2011, KJI organized training on the topic “Initiation and Duration of the Investigation”.

The purpose of this training was to raise the level of effective leadership of the investigation procedure. In this case it was emphasized that the prosecutor within the legal authorizations has the responsibility for overseeing the legality of police actions in the process of collecting information and when police acts under his authorization, the prosecutor needs to be careful that the safety of evidence by police should be done by respecting precisely the legal procedure.

The importance of this training consists in that the participants, after this training will be able to: interpret the legal provisions that regulate the role of the public prosecutor during the initiation and the development of the investigation; to identify easily when the public prosecutor has the opportunity to commence, expand and to suspend the investigations; to assess the role which prosecutors have in gathering evidence to commence a criminal proceeding.

Participants of this training were judges and prosecutors from all the regions of Kosovo.

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