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International legal cooperation in criminal matters

May 14 2019, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program with the help of GIZ conducted training on “International Legal cooperation in criminal matters”.

Purpose of this training was to increase the professional capacities of judges and prosecutors on correct implementation of legal provisions related to international legal assistance in criminal matters, starting from outgoing legal aid applications, and handling of the incoming, requests by other states requesting states, and drafting decisions in the extradition procedure.

During the training it was elaborated on the legal basis and definitions of certain actions of international legal cooperation, emphasizing the extradition, role of the Ministry of Justice in this process, and opportunities for cooperation with different states.

Also, by examples from the judicial practice it was elaborate don the following: extradition, role of basic prosecution after receipt of the request for extradition, judicial proceeding for extradition, simplified procedure for extradition, court decisions related to extradition requests, decisions of the Ministry of Justice about the same, competitive requests for extradition, transfer of the criminal proceeding, transfer of the sentenced persons, recognitions and enforcement of the judgments, and the mutual legal assistance.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic and appeals instances from all regions of the Republic of Kosovo.

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