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Covert measures

May 29 2019, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training program (CTP) conducted training on Covert Measures.

Goal of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on the legal framework that regulated the ways to issue covert measures of surveillance, and the application procedure of these measures.

This training highlighted importance of these measures and their correct application in practice, types of all measures and in which stages of investigation that they may be authorized. It further elaborated on conditions to issue these measures, timelines for issuing these measures, rights of the impacted parties by these measures, technical possibilities of surveillance and their technical-practical implementation. In this context, the training also elaborated on competencies of police, state prosecutor and the preliminary procedure judge.

Training methodology was combined lectures with study cases from the judicial practice, a combination of theory and practical cases presented by the trainer, aiming to contribute to unification of court practice in this area.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and professional associates.

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