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Practical elaboration of the loan contracts

May 31st 2019, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program conducted training on Practical elaboration of the Loan Contracts.

Purpose of this training was to extend the judges knowledge on implementation and interpretation of contracting provisions in disputes that appear in courts, and related to the legal framework and the CBK rules that regulate the matter of loan contracts and the late payment interests.

This training emphasized importance of the loan contracts and its correct application is practice, and it elaborated on forms, essential elements, its termination, late payment interests and many other specifics. It further elaborated on the loan contract clauses, premature payment of the loan, interest rate, mortgage and its enforcement. In this context, the court competencies were explained as well as the legal basis for mortgage enforcement.

This training used combined method of lecturing and interactive learning through exercises and discussions, including the theoretical elaboration of specific contracts, presentation of hypothetical cases and concrete cases from the judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges, legal officials from the Appeals court and legal officers from the basic Prosecution of Prishtina.

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