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Official commencement of the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed prosecutors (eights generation)

June 10 2019, Academy of Justice officially commenced with the Initial Training for the newly appointed prosecutors, conducting the first meeting with the new prosecutors.

 Initially, the prosecutors were addressed by Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Valon Kurtaj, who congratulated them for appointment, wishing them success in their new work. Mr. Kurtaj further continued his speech on the role and importance of the initial training for development of their professional and practical skills, in order to prepare them to exercise the prosecutor’s role.

 Furthermore, the AJ Director briefly elaborated on the ITP structure, ways of its organization and delivery, like the theoretical part and practical training part, as well as other issues related to the program. Also, he expressed readiness of the Academy of Justice to continuously support the newly appointed prosecutors, in order that the initial training is organized in the best possible manner.

Whereas, Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Bahri Hyseni expressed the KPC support available for the newly appointed prosecutors, encouraging them for maximal commitment during the initial training, highlighting its importance for their adequate preparation to exercise correctly and professionally the prosecutor’s function. 

Also, Head of the Initial Training Program Mrs. Valmira Pefqeli informed them in more details about the training program, work and duties of the prosecutors, visits they will have to non-judicial institutions, regular attendance in trainings, and other details that will have impact on the performance of the prosecutors attending the initial training. 

Initial training will be undertaken by 12 newly appointed prosecutors.

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