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KJI Staff Training: Drafting of Modules for Distance Learning (ILIAS Platform)

On January 14-15, 2013, in support from the GIZ, was organized a training for the KJI staff regarding the application of distance learning platform and the drafting of platform modules.

The purpose of the program was to advance the techniques and the training methodology through the distance learning platform.
Key issues addressed in this training were: creating a learning module ILIAS, the addition of chapters on learning module ILIAS, the addition of learning module pages ILIAS, inserting styles in the learning module, exportation and importation of the learning styles in the module, and insertions and manipulation of the photography in the teaching modules, creating templates and presentation documents in docx (word) format and pptx (PowerPoint).
The beneficiaries of this training were KJI staff, the administrators in the ILIAS platform.

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