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KJI Staff Training: Procurement Law (procedures, compiling the file of the tender, public opening and evaluation)

On January 25, 2013, KJI in cooperation with RIPA International supported by the UK Embassy in Kosovo within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Anti-Corruption Policies and Kosovo's EU integration”, conducted a training session for its staff on Procurement Law.
During the training was addressed the Kosovo Public Procurement Law, procurement procedures, preparation and drafting of the tender file, the public opening and evaluation of bids. On this occasion, were presented examples of how the preparation of the tender dossier, evaluations of the bids, principles and basic rules which should be followed for the implementation of a procurement procedure. 

 The beneficiaries of this training were the Kosovo Judicial Institute staffs who usually participate in the groups for the implementation of the procedures determined in the Law on Public Procurement.

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