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The Approval of the Annual Report for 2009

On 14 June 2010, a meeting was held by the Commission for Legislation and Judiciary. The subject of this meeting was: the review of the Kosovo Judicial institute’s 2009 Annual Report. 

During this meeting, the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute introduced the activities implemented within the frame of Training Programs and other KJI activities implemented during 2009. After reviewing the KJI Annual Report, the commission has unanimously and without any remark approved the 2009 Annual Report of the Kosovo Judicial Institute. Also on 16 June 2010, a meeting was held with the Commission for Budget and Finance, where was reviewed the Financial Report of the Kosovo Judicial Institute. During this meeting the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute presented the KJI budged and its expenditure according to all economic categories. The members of the Budget and Finance Commission found that the submitted report contained the required financial overview on the budget spend by the Kosovo Judicial Institute and considering so the commission unanimously approved the KJI Financial Report

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