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Continuation of good cooperation between AJ - KJC – signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between KJC and AJ

Prishtina, 19 September 2019, Mrs. Luljete Hetemi – Acting Executive Director and Ms. Valmira Pefqeli- Acting Program Coordinator at the Academy of Justice have held a joint meeting with Mr. Skender Çoçaj - Head of KJC.

The purpose of this meeting was the cooperation of the KJC and the AJ aiming at enhancing the professional capacity of judges and the judicial system in general, as well as the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions to further strengthen inter-institutional cooperation in the field of exchange of information on matters of common interest.

During this meeting, besides signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties, they also discussed the process of training plans, in particular the Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges and the Continuous Training Program where legislative changes were made.

At the end of the meeting the interlocutors agreed to continue the coordination and mutual cooperation for the better functioning of the training programs and other services offered by the Academy of Justice.

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