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SCSC and KPA competences, the applicants and opposing parties before the SCSC, written and verbal proceedings before the Special Chamber as well as Court Proceedings challenging the Agency's decisions created by the privatization and liquidation process

On 18 September 2019, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted a training on: “SCSC and KPA competences, the applicants and opposing parties before the SCSC, written and verbal proceedings before the Special Chamber as well as Court Proceedings challenging the Agency's decisions created by the privatization and liquidation process”.

The purpose of this training was to enhance the participants' knowledge on the jurisdiction and powers of the Special Chamber for the proper conduct of the privatization and liquidation proceeding.

The first part of the training covered: Competencies of the Special Chamber and Privatization Agency of Kosovo, functional competencies with focus on the Special Chamber, implementation of the 1990-1999 judicial decisions by the KPA.

On the occasion of this training it was emphasized how the procedure is conducted in the Special Chamber, what should be the content of the request, what are the consequences of the parties if they do not comply with the rules for presenting evidence. The following outlined how credit and property claims / complaints are presented to the Liquidation Committee and the Special Chamber, the objections of the Agency's decisions to the Special Chamber, and the procedure for reviewing those decisions.

During this training, were used methods of partial theoretical explanation combined with practical cases and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges of basic instance, legal officers and the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo.

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