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Regional launching of the Horizontal Facility for Western Balkan and Turkey - stage II

October 9 2019, Council of Europe conducted the regional conference launching the “horizontal facility for western Balkans and turkey – II within the coordination and expertise facility. This conference took place in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

Purpose of this conference was to support the results of the first stage, to help technical cooperation tailored for countries in achieving a greater fulfillment of Europeans standards, providing advices and expertise as a response to requests for analysis and assistance, through the coordination and expertise facility.

During this conference it was elaborated on matter pertaining to justice guarantee for a fair and impartial trial, with emphasis on judicial transparency towards citizens. Particular attention during this conference was paid to the fight against economic crimes, combating discrimination and protecting the rights of vulnerable people. Freedom of expression and the media, as well as gender equality were also covered and discussed in the conference.

This conference was attended by representatives of Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey.

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