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Practical training of newly appointed judges and state prosecutors in Kosovo probation service

November 6 2019, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program (ITP) for newly appointed judges and state prosecutors conducted practical training in the Kosovo Probation Service. 

Purpose of this training was to inform the newly appointed judges and state prosecutors with the role, function and responsibilities of the Kosovo Probation Service. 

This practical training begun with presentation on establishment, organization and function of the Kosovo probation service. It also elaborated on activities of the Probation Service, implementation and supervision of alternative punishments execution, reintegration of punished persons, supervision and aid for perpetrators addicted to drugs or alcohol who are undergoing mandatory rehabilitation treatment, as well as aid for convicted persons on bail. 

Focus of this training was on discussion between judges and prosecutors about raising social awareness and cooperation with all state entities on humanism when enforcing sanctions against juveniles. 

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed judges (generation VII) and state prosecutors (generation VIII), attending the ITP.

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