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Activities conducted within the initial training for newly appointed judges in October

The theoretical training component for this period was accomplished by carrying out the following activities: a total of 18 training sessions were conducted through modules: “Personal and interdisciplinary skills”, “national and international legal order”, “Legislation and additional skills” and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

Within the module “Professional Ethics”, were conducted four (4) training sessions, respectively elaborating the: Regulation on Determining Misconduct, cooperation and coordination of courts with other institutions on sensitive cases and duties and functions of the office of disciplinary Counsel (ODC).

Within the sub-module “ECHR” were conducted two (2) training sessions aiming to expand the knowledge of newly appointed judges on the European Convention on Human Rights, respectively Articles 13 and 14.

During October, two (2) training sessions were conducted under the module “Mediation”, which addressed: Mediation in criminal cases and the importance of mediation as well as mediation in civil cases.

During this period, the newly appointed judges attended four (4) training sessions under the module: “EU Law”, where the following topics were discussed: Structure of treaties, nature of competences and fundamental principles of European Union Law as well as the institutions and sources of European Union Law.

Also under the module “Serious Crimes” a training session was held where newly appointed judges had the opportunity to gain new knowledge about human trafficking, money laundering and cybercrime. Whereas, under the module “Juvenile Justice Code” during October, two (2) training sessions were held where were dealt: definitions used in the Juvenile Justice Code and the imposition of measures against the adults and punishments for criminal offenses committed as minors.

Also under the module “Reasoning of Judicial Decisions” was organized a training session where judges had the opportunity to gain knowledge about the importance of legal writing.

In the framework of the practical training, were carried practical trainings followed by newly appointed judges in the respective courts, in accordance with the schedule set by the program. The newly appointed judges during October also conducted practical training in the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, the Kosovo Cadastral Agency and the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data, where were able to discuss the role, structure and problems encountered. in practice.

The initial training is being attended by 39 newly appointed judges, seven of whom are from the Serb community.

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