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Specialized training program on strengthening professional capacities in combating cybercrime - Session II

On 07-08 November 2019, the Academy of Justice in the framework of the Continuous Training Program, in cooperation with UNDP, conducted the second training session on: “Specialized Training Program in Strengthening Professional Capacities in Combating Cybercrime”.

The purpose of this training session was to increase and enhance participants' knowledge of key elements and trends of cybercrime in order to build and strengthen professional capacities in combating this negative phenomenon, as well as presenting a brochure on cyber issues to prosecutors and judges in Kosovo.

This training session covered electronic evidence, procedures and practices, electronic evidence-taking, risk assessment and management, combating virtual security risks such as emails, viruses and more. Further were addressed, money laundering detection and prevention and the role of forensics in detecting cybercrime. During this training session, methods were used to compare domestic and international legislation that sanctions cybercrime as well as international best practices in combating this phenomenon.

The training was conducted in the form of interactive discussions, highlighting the challenges and difficulties in practice in cases related to this type of crime.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and administrative staff from courts and prosecution offices of different regions of Kosovo.

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