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Initial training program activities conducted for the newly appointed judges

The theoretical training component for this period is completed by conducting the following activities: total of 18 sessions delivered from the Modules like: Personal and interdisciplinary skills, Legislation and additional skills, and the Criminal Procedure Code.

The sub-module on “Judgment reasoning” conducted nine training sessions which covered the following: legal writing, principles of legal writing, methodology of using the IRAC formula, legal reasoning, unity of the paragraph and analysis for possibilities of using the IRAC method when drafting judgments in civil cases.

The sub-module on “Case management” conducted three training sessions where the newly appointed judges had the opportunity to obtain new knowledge on importance and principles of the case flow management, and purpose of the work of courts and basic methods in case management area.

In the course of two trainings provided under the sub-module on “Law on Minor offences” there are two training sessions that elaborated on the following: initiation and development of the minor offence procedure and regular and extraordinary legal remedies, as well as the procedure upon appeal.

The newly appointed judges also attended one session training from the sub-module on “Bringing and communicating decisions and delivery of writs”, that treated the procedure for brining decisions in the counseling session, and voting by the panel of judges, as well as communication of decisions.

During this period the newly appointed judges, under the sub-module on “Judicial skills development” had two training sessions, where they had the possibility to increase their capacities in relation with social environment, conflicts and increase of social skills, a prerequisite for their professional performance promotion.

Within the practical part of the program, the newly appointed judges attended their training in respective courts, in accordance with the scheduled practical training program.

During November, the newly appointed judges also conducted the practical training/ visits to the following institutions: The Probation Service, Agency for administration of sequestrated and confiscated property, the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, and the Ombudsperson where they had the opportunity to discuss about their roles, structure and problems occurred in practice.

Initial training is being attended by 39 newly appointed judges and seven of them are of the Serbian community.

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