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The first Generation of Candidates for Judges and Prosecutors Graduated

On December 14, 2009, the Kosovo Judicial Institute held the solemn ceremony on Graduation of the Kosovo Judicial Institute First Generation of Candidates for Judges and Prosecutors, which occasion notes the completion of the 15 months training programme organized and implemented by the Institute.  

In his opening speech, the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi introduced the progress achieved by the respective programme and expressed his gratitude to all supporters, saying”All of you make up a little part of each candidate and there life here today “.

Following that, Mr. Krasniqi, while addressing the President of the Kosovo Republic, said, “Today, these candidates are fully prepared and meet all criteria for being appointed. They possess the required experience, have successfully passed the bar-exam, preparatory exam (both written and oral), successfully completed the 15 months Initial Legal Education Programme, passed mid-phase and final exams on each training modules, completed the mentoring phase and stand here READY for the appointment”.

In conclusion of his speech, the Director of the KJI congratulated all candidates by asking them, “Be equal, be fair, be just, with every new case you handle, but also enjoy what you do, and remember as Mother Teresa said, "Life is a promise, fulfill it".

The President of the KJI Managing Board, Prof. Dr. Vesel Latifi, during his speech ones more emphasized that the foundation of this programme is set forth under the Law on Establishing the KJI, whereas, the Managing Board and Programme Council of the Institute approved its implementation framework and required infrastructure. In continuation of, he added, “This generation, despite of the current delicate moments that our system is facing in the underway profound judicial reform, managed to professionally prepare for the appointment”.

The President Sejdiu said, “I feel excited hearing about your preparation, willingness to prepare yourselves for a mission you pledge to complete, accepting of the responsibility to serve our country, at the same time for being part of the opportunities and complementary resources that Kosova has to implement such programmes thanks to the international support”.

Considering the importance that judges and prosecutors have for our country, the President Sejdiu referred to the challenges that this generation of graduates will face during their mandate. Saying, “Where are those challenges? They are, if you are going to fail to comply with the position you will hold, apply justice and rule on grounded and ungrounded charges, and in many other daily life aspects, relating your performance, life as a whole or century in continuation. 

Following that, the President added, “In order to establish a sustainable foundation that Kosovo citizens are in the need of, we shall invest in programmes similar to, irrespectively of their ethnicity background. I am very happy that today we are completing such an important cycle of preparation and for sharing this joy with all of you. I have to ones more mention that I did express my opinion in the previous events about the importance of transforming the KJI into the Professional Magistrate Academy, so the people will not see it as only a filter, but as a plus opportunity to create a sustainable base that Kosova needs.   

The Chairperson of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Ms. Lirije Osmani, during her speech expressed the gratitude to the Kosovo Judicial Institute for supporting the judiciary with the preparation of new generations of candidates for judges and prosecutors. While referencing the future of these candidates, Ms. Osmani emphasized, the Kosovo Judicial Council will soon enter in the memorandum of understanding with the Kosovo Judicial Institute on the basis of that each graduate will continue his/her practical work in courts and prosecution offices pending their final appointment.

The U.S Ambassador in Prishtina, Mr. Christopher Dell, during his speech, among other issues, emphasized, “Today is a big day for Kosovo and today we are witnessing one of the most crucial moments for the future. Today we can look back, how many challenges the judicial system in Kosovo had to go through in the past years, how important is to stick together and achieve our common goal, which is strengthening the rule of law”. In addition to, Mr. Dell, added, I promise that the U.S Government will continue to support Kosovo in preparing new generations that will contribute to the Kosovo judicial system .

Whereas, Mr. Renzo Davidi, Head of the European Commission Liaison Office to Kosovo, during his speech stated, "The role and evolvement of the justice system is a key for the functioning of a democratic society. Within this context, he added that it is very crucial to support the training of new judges and prosecutors that will contribute in protecting the system”.

At the end of this ceremony, the President of the Kosovo Republic, Chairperson of the Kosovo Judicial Council, President of the KJI Managing Board and the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, handed out to the candidates for judges and prosecutors their diplomas, congratulating them for the successful completion of a saint justice mission.

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