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Juvenile Justice Code (TPP)

On February 21 and 22, 2013, KJI, in cooperation with UNICEF, within the Training Program for Promotion conducted a two day training from the module “Juvenile Justice Code”.
During the first day of training were presented the general provisions that characterize the judicial process against juveniles, the principles of juvenile proceedings, the jurisdiction of the courts, subject of criminal proceedings against juveniles, different stages of the proceedings against juveniles, powers of the prosecutor, judge, the panel, the role of the defense counsel and the preparatory procedures.
 The focus of the second day of the training was on the arrest, police detention, pre-trial detention, judicial review, court decisions and legal remedies. 

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from the Juvenile Department as well as the Officers from the Probation Service, Center for Social Work and Kosovo Police. 

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