News and Activities - Archive


Training Program for Promotion

Module 4 “European Union Law”

On February 21 and 22, 2011, KJI within the Training Program for Promotion conducted the regular training sessions on the topic: “European Union Law”.

The main purpose of this two-day training session was to make familiar the judges with the: origin of the EU Law, its sources, the role of each EU institution in particular the European Court of Justice and ways in which EU citizens can address their rights before the authorities of each EU member state.

The issues that are included in the first session of this training are: The structure and the development of EU, sources of EU Law, general principles and EU institutions. While in the second session the focus has been the European Court of Justice (organization, powers and proceedings before the court) as well the citizens of the European Union and Four Basic Freedoms.

Beneficiaries of these training sessions were judges of all levels.

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