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Ceremony for the Promotion of the Training Handbook of the third phase of ILEP

Ceremony for the Promotion of the Training Handbook of the third phase of ILEP 

In order to facilitate the realization of the practical training phase for candidates for judges and prosecutors which are organized within the Initial Legal Education Program, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ) have developed a mentor handbook. 

The promotion of the handbook was made at a ceremony organized by the KJI and GIZ, in the presence of many dignitaries, representatives of the judiciary and the prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo and international representatives, judges, prosecutors and other guests. 

Several people held a speech at this ceremony such as Mr. Fejzullah Hasani, President of the Supreme Court and Chairman of the Managing Board of KJI, Mr. Ismet Kabashi, State Chief Prosecutor and Head of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Volkmar Theobald, Project Manager for Legal Reform, Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi, Director of KJI and Mr. Sali Mekaj, President of the District Court in Peja and members of the Kosovo Judicial Council. In their speech, they highly praised KJI for the work in the preparation of future candidates for judges and prosecutors as well as for the cooperation and support that GIZ is providing to KJI. 

For the content, structure and importance of the Handbook spoke Mr. Thomas Zwiebler, the author of the manual and Mr. Bashkim Hyseni as the mentor who assessed as necessary the development of this handbook for the realization of the practical training for candidates for judges and prosecutors.

Also at the ceremony were handed 20 lap tops a GIZ donation, which will be used by the candidates during the practical trainings. 

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