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CLEP – Juvenile Justice

On 08, 09, 11, 12 and 15 October 2012, KJI in cooperation with UNICEF, organized a roundtable discussion on: “Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency”
The roundtable was of the regional character and was conducted in Prizren, Peja, Mitrovica, Gjilan and Prishtina.

The purose of this roundtable was to deliver and discuss topics related to the prevention of the juvenile delinquency.Among other topics were also discussed issues regarding the children and safety in school, the police representatives and directors of education presented actions and mechanisms that they have created to ensure safety in schools. On the other side school children presented their views of all negative phenomena emphasizing though the dissatisfactions with bodies responsible for undertaking concrete measures to prevent irregularities and to safe the image of the schools”. 

During the discussion were expressed different opinions regarding different sources of juvenile delinquency. Among the sources was emphasized; the presence of coffee bars near schools where can be ordered alcohol by anyone, regardless the age of the costumers, these bars are obviously mostly frequented by bed people involving minors in illegal activities. 
During these roundtables were also discussed the lack of educational institutions for children’s with bad behaviors, lack of information for pupils and professors about the justice system, lack of organization of meeting in schools to explain the responsibilities of these institutions. 

Representatives from Kosovo Police, center for social work and prosecutors emphasized the lack of reports regarding cases reported by children and schools encouraging children’s and teachers to report any suspicious case at the competent bodies.
Participants of this roundtable were municipal and district judges, municipal and district prosecutors, regional directors of probation service, representatives of the center for social work, representatives from educational departments, representatives from Kosovo Police and representatives of children and students in the regional level.

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